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[학술논문]Rezension von: Weber, Edwin Ernst (Hrsg.), Kreis-Bilder

„Kreis-Bilder“ – Der Landkreis Sigmaringen im Blick der Kunst. Katalog zur Ausstellung vom 12. November bis 17. März 2024 in Kr...

[학술논문]Weber and the Environment: Classical Foundations for a Postexemptionalist Sociology 1

In the last two decades classical sociology, notably Marx, has been mined for environmental insights in the attempt to surmount the ...

[학술논문]Predictors of cognitive functions in children with Sturge-Weber syndrome: A longitudinal study

Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) is often accompanied by seizures and neurocognitive deterioration, although previous studies have suggeste...

[학술논문]Entropic lattice pseudo-potentials for multiphase flow simulations at high Weber and Reynolds nu

Weber number, Two-phase flow, Statistical physics, Reynolds number, Physics, Multiphase flow, Lattice Boltzmann methods, Lattice (or...

[학술논문]Cognitive and motor outcomes in children with unilateral Sturge–Weber syndrome: Effect of age

Most children with Sturge–Weber syndrome (SWS) develop seizures that may contribute to neurocognitive status. In this study, we test...

[학술논문]Experimental investigation of water droplet binary collisions and description of outcomes with a

Weber number, Two-phase flow, Thermodynamics, Physics, Mechanics, Kinetic energy, Impact parameter, Flow separation, Drop (liquid), ...

[학술논문]An infantile-onset, severe, yet sporadic seizure pattern is common in Sturge-Weber syndrome.

The young age of onset and frequently intractable nature of seizures associated with Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) have been well-report...

[학술논문]Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome associated with a 5:11 balanced translocation.

We report on a case of Klippel-Trenaunay Weber syndrome (KTWS) associated with a reciprocal translocation [46,XX,t (5;11) (q13.3;p15.1...

[학술논문]Secondary breakup of drops at moderate Weber numbers: Effect of Density ratio and Reynolds numbe

•Effect of density ratio on the mechanisms of secondary breakup has been studied. A density ratio-Weber number phase plot is present...

[학술논문]The Weber Effect and the United States Food and Drug Administration’s Adverse Event Reporting

BackgroundThe United States Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) consists of adverse event (A...

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