[학술논문]전결핍여동물갑상선암관계적연구 (碘缺乏与动物甲状腺癌关系的研究)
[학술논문]세포외기질재갑상선암전이궤제적연구진전 (细胞外基质在甲状腺癌转移
[학술논문]한국인에서의 갑상선결절과 갑상선암의 유병률: 2004년 전국 규모 갑상선
The Prevalence of Thyroid Nodules and Thyroid Cancrers in the Korean: The Nationwide Data Analysis of Thyroid Ultrasonography in 2004 B...
[학술논문]미분화 갑상선 암에 대한 임상적 고찰
Clinical Analysis of Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma PURPOSE: Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma is characterized by a rapid growing mass of the...
[학술논문]초음파를 통한 갑상선암의 되돌이후두신경 침범 예측
Prediction of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Invasion in Thyroid Cancer by Ultrasound Assessing recurrent laryngeal nerve invasion is crucia...
[학술논문]갑상선암 전이의 방사성요오드 치료
RAI Treatment of Distant Metastasis of Thyroid Cancer For the distant metastasis of differentiated thyroid cancers, such as papillary t...
[학술논문]갑상선절제술을 받은 갑상선암 환자의 질병증상, 질병인식, 대처와 삶의
Associations of Illness Symptoms, Perception of Illness, and Coping with Quality of Life of Thyroid Cancer Patients after Thyroidectomy...
[학술논문]호발암 생존자의 미충족 수요에 대한 문헌 고찰: 유방암, 갑상선암, 대장
A Literature Review on Unmet Needs of High-Prevalence Cancer Survivors: Focus on Breast Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, and ...
[학술논문]유두상갑상선암BRAFV600E돌변적표체급의의 (乳头状甲状腺癌BRAFV600E突变的
乳头状甲状腺癌BRAF ...
[학술논문]초성검사갑상선암175예분석 (超声检查甲状腺癌175例分析)
目的 分析不同病理类型甲状腺癌的超声影像表现.方法 于病理证实的175例甲状腺癌的声像图进行回顾...