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[학술논문]Max Weber and International Relations

Positive economics, Political science, International relations ...

[학술논문]Religion and economic growth: was Weber right?

AbstractEvidence of falling wages in Catholic cities and rising wages in Protestant cities between 1500 and 1750, during the spread of...

[학술논문]Standardised virtual fracture clinic management of radiographically stable Weber B ankle fractur

AbstractBackgroundVirtual clinics have been shown to be safe and cost-effective in many specialties, yet barriers exist to their imple...

[학술논문]Quaternionic Weber Local Descriptor of Color Images

This paper proposes a simple but effective framework named <italic>quaternionic Weber local descriptor (QWLD)</italic> for color image...

[학술논문]Stillinger-Weber potential for the II-VI elements Zn-Cd-Hg-S-Se-Te

Thin film, Stacking, Solid solution, Quantum dot, Molecular dynamics, Materials science, Lattice constant, Interatomic potential, En...

[학술논문]Parkes Weber syndrome-Diagnostic and management paradigms: A systematic review.

Objectives Parkes Weber syndrome is a congenital vascular malformation which consists of capillary malformation, venous malformation, ...

[학술논문]Droplet splashing on thin moving films at high Weber numbers

The influence of a thin moving film on the splashing of droplets was investigated experimentally at high Weber numbers. This study was...

[학술논문]Increased choroidal thickness in patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome.

IMPORTANCE With the recent development of enhanced depth imaging spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT), it is now poss...

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