[학술논문]암환자를 돌보는 가족원의 스트레스, 대처방식과 소진의 관계
Relationships between Stress, Ways of Coping and Burnout of Family Caregivers of Cancer Patients PURPOSE: The study was to examine the ...
[학술논문]노인 암환자의 자아통합감 회복 경험 : 근거이론 접근
Experiences of ego integrity recovery in elderly cancer patients : grounded theory approach Purpose: This study was conducted to derive...
[학술논문]암환자 증상 관리와 연구 동향
Symptom Management for Cancer Patients No abstract available. Vital organ, Symptom management, Medicine, Internal medicine, Gastroente...
[학술논문]지역거주 암환자의 수도권 의료서비스 이용에 관한 연구
A Study on the Medical Service Utilization of the Metropolitan Areas for Cancer Patients Living in a Regional Area ...
[학술논문]암환자에서의 영양지원
Nutritional Support for Cancer Patients 목차 암환자에서의 영양지원 = Nutritional support for cancer patients / 이윤택...
[학술논문]호스피스 간호시 말기 암환자의 임종 현상 연구 -독립형 호스피스 센타
A Study of the Experience of Patients with Terminal Cancer Who are in an Independent Hospice Center This study is a phenomenological st...
[학술논문]암환자 가족 간호자가 인지하는 가족기능수행과 삶의 질
Family Functioning and Quality of Life of the Family Care-giver in Cancer Patients PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify t...
[학술논문]보건소 재가 암환자 관리사업에 대한 환자의 요구도 및 제공정도
A study on demand and the supply for home-based cancer patient management projects of public health centers Home-based cancer patient...
[학술논문]암환자의 연명의료 사전의사결정 태도에 영향을 미치는 요인: 심리ㆍ가
Factors Influencing the Attitudes toward the Advanced Directives of Patients with Cancer: Focusing on the Psychological, Family, and So...
[학술논문]암환자의 연명의료 사전의사결정 태도에 영향을 미치는 요인 : 심리·가
Factors influencing the attitudes toward the advanced directives of patients with cancer : focusing on the psychological, family, and s...