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[학술논문]복통과 췌장결절로 발현한 비소세포폐암 1예

A Case of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Presenting as Abdominal Pain and a Pancreatic Nodule 저자들은 복통으로 내원한 환자에...

[학술논문]절제 가능/경계성 절제 가능 췌장암에서 선행보조치료

Neoadjuvant Therapy for Resectable or Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Cancer Surgical resection of a primary tumor is the only effecti...

[학술논문]췌장암 절제 후 잔여췌장에 발생한 췌장암에 대한 반복절제를 시행한 2

Two Cases of Repeated Pancreatectomy for Pancreatic Cancer Developing in the Remnant Pancreas after a Resection of Pancreatic Cancer - ...

[학술논문]피부로 전이된 췌장 선편평상피암 1예

A Case of Cutaneous Metastatic Adenosquamous Carcinoma of the Pancreas Pancreatic adenosquamous carcinoma is a rare variant of ductal a...

[학술논문]개정된 대한췌장담도학회 급성췌장염 임상진료지침 : 진단

Revised Clinical Practice Guideline of Korean Pancreatobiliary Association for Acute Pancreatitis : Diagnosis Practice guideline, Pan...

[학술논문]췌담관 폐쇄를 유발한 췌장 결핵과 대장암을 동반한 대장결핵 1예

A Case of Pancreaticobiliary Duct Obstruction due to Pancreatic Tuberculosis Combined with a Colon Adenocarcinoma and Tuberculous Colit...

[학술논문]췌장암 AJCC 8판 병기체계에서 췌장외침윤의 중요성과 T병기의 타당성 검

(The) significance of extrapancreatic extension and the validation of T stage of the eight edition of the American Joint Committee on C...

[학술논문]췌장담도내시경 인증의 규정집 초안 소개

Introduction to the Rule Book of Pancreatobiliary Endoscopy Certification 내시경역행담췌관조영술(ERCP)은 내시경 시술 ...

[학술논문]보험정책 관점에서 보는 췌장담도내시경 인증의 제도

Pancreatobiliary Endoscopy Certification System from the Perspective of Insurance Policy 췌장담도, 내시경, 인증의, 보험...

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