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[학술논문]When should a DDH experiment be mandatory in microbial taxonomy?

AbstractDNA–DNA hybridizations (DDH) play a key role in microbial species discrimination in cases when 16S rRNA gene sequence simila...

[학술논문]Acculturation: When Individuals and Groups of Different Cultural Backgrounds Meet.

In cross-cultural psychology, one of the major sources of the development and display of human behavior is the contact between cultura...

[학술논문]Risk measurement when shares are subject to infrequent trading

When shares are traded infrequently, beta estimates are often severely biased. This paper reviews the problems introduced by infrequen...

[학술논문]Estimation of past demographic parameters from the distribution of pairwise differences when the

Distributions of pairwise differences often called "mismatch distributions" have been extensively used to estimate the demographic par...

[학술논문]When interventions harm. Peer groups and problem behavior.

This article explored developmental and intervention evidence relevant to iatrogenic effects in peer-group interventions. Longitudinal...

[학술논문]The Where, the When, and the How of Immune Monitoring for Cancer Immunotherapies in the Era of C

Clinical trials with immune checkpoint inhibitors have provided important insights into the mode of action of anticancer immune therap...

[학술논문]Guidelines for Establishing Reliability When Coding Narrative Data

The use of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches has been foundational to research on emerging adulthood, yet there ...

[학술논문]Peptide Folding: When Simulation Meets Experiment

Abstract 10.1002/(SICI)****-****(19990115)38:1/2<236::AID-ANIE236>3.3.CO;2-D Accurate reproduction of the mechanism of peptide folding...

[학술논문]When Is Honesty the Best Policy? The Effect of Stated Company Intent on Consumer Skepticism

Prior research suggests that consumers evaluate firms more negatively if they attribute the firm's business practices to firm-serving ...

[학술논문]Optimal Tests when a Nuisance Parameter is Present Only Under the Alternative

This paper derives asymptotically optimal tests for testing problems in which a nuisance parameter exists under the alternative hypoth...

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