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[학술논문]수술적 절제방법 및 근치도에 따른 중하위부 담도암의 장기생존 비교

Long term prognosis of mid-distal extra-hepatic bile duct cancer according to surgical methods and curability 목적: 최근 담도암...

[학술논문]담도암 환자로부터 암세포주와 이종이식의 수립

Establishment of Patient-Derived Cancer Cell Lines and Xenografts in Biliary Tract Cancer 배경 담도암은 타암종에 비하여 ...

[학술논문]조기 위암으로 위 아전절제 후 발생한 담도암 2 예

Bile Duct Cancer afterSubtotal Gastrectomy for Early Gastric Cancer: Report of 2 Cases Patients with early gastric cancer (EGC) may be ...

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