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[학술논문]Apoptosis Initiated When BH3 Ligands Engage Multiple Bcl-2 Homologs, Not Bax or Bak

A central issue in the regulation of apoptosis by the Bcl-2 family is whether its BH3-only members initiate apoptosis by directly bind...

[학술논문]What do you do when things go right? The intrapersonal and interpersonal benefits of sharing pos

Four studies examined the intrapersonal and interpersonal consequences of seeking out others when good things happen (i.e., capitaliza...

[학술논문]How to develop a more accurate risk prediction model when there are few events.

Models, Statistical, Regression Analysis, Reproducibility of Results, Risk Assessment, methods, Sample Size, Statistics, Sample size...

[학술논문]When Defense Pathways Collide. The Response of Arabidopsis to a Combination of Drought and Heat

Within their natural habitat, plants are subjected to a combination of abiotic conditions that include stresses such as drought and he...

[학술논문]Coordinated Punishment of Defectors Sustains Cooperation and Can Proliferate When Rare

Because mutually beneficial cooperation may unravel unless most members of a group contribute, people often gang up on free-riders, pu...

[학술논문]Adverse Selection and Inertia in Health Insurance Markets: When Nudging Hurts

This paper investigates consumer inertia in health insurance markets, where adverse selection is a potential concern. We leverage a ma...

[학술논문]Cooperative communications with relay-selection: when to cooperate and whom to cooperate with?

In this paper; we propose a new cooperative communication protocol, which achieves higher bandwidth efficiency while guaranteeing the ...

[학술논문]When Mobile Blockchain Meets Edge Computing

Blockchain, as the backbone technology of the current popular Bitcoin digital currency, has become a promising decentralized data mana...

[학술논문]Intelligent 5G: When Cellular Networks Meet Artificial Intelligence

5G cellular networks are assumed to be the key enabler and infrastructure provider in the ICT industry, by offering a variety of servi...

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