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[학술논문]When consumers doubt, Watch out! The role of CSR skepticism

AbstractCorporate social responsibility (CSR) is a hot topic in management today. More than ever before, companies engage in CSR initi...

[학술논문]Amyloid β Protein and Alzheimer's Disease: When Computer Simulations Complement Experimental St

Alzheimer Disease, genetics, metabolism, pathology, Amino Acid Sequence, Amyloid beta-Peptides, antagonists & inhibitors, chemistry,...

[학술논문]Options and considerations when selecting a quantitative proteomics strategy

The vast majority of proteomic studies to date have relied on mass spectrometric techniques to identify, and in some cases quantify, p...

[학술논문]Perceiving and responding to challenges in job crafting at different ranks: When proactivity req

Abstract 10.1002/job.645.abs We utilize a qualitative study of 33 employees in for‐profit and non‐profit organizations to elaborat...

[학술논문]When Do Fathers Care? Mothers’ Economic Contribution and Fathers’ Involvement in Child Care

Previous literature suggests a tenuous link between fathers’ care of children and maternal employment and earnings. This study shows...

[학술논문]Combining belief functions when evidence conflicts

The use of belief functions to represent and to manipulate uncertainty in expert systems has been advocated by some practitioners and ...

[학술논문]Eukaryotic chromosome DNA replication: where, when, and how?

Animals, Chromosomes, metabolism, DNA Replication, Humans, Replication Origin, S Phase ...

[학술논문]When Multiplication Doesn't Equal Quick Addition: Examining Intersectionality as a Research Para

In the past twenty years, intersectionality has emerged as a compelling response to arguments on behalf of identity-based politics acr...

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