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[학술논문]When Fear Is near: Threat Imminence Elicits Prefrontal-Periaqueductal Gray Shifts in Humans

Humans, like other animals, alter their behavior depending on whether a threat is close or distant. We investigated spatial imminence ...

[학술논문]Polarization conversion when focusing cylindrically polarized vortex beams.

Currently, cylindrical beams with radial or azimuthal polarization are being used successfully for the optical manipulation of micro- ...

[학술논문]When natural habitat fails to enhance biological pest control – Five hypotheses

Ecologists and farmers often have contrasting perceptions about the value of natural habitat in agricultural production landscapes, wh...

[학술논문]When and where does foreign direct investment generate positive spillovers? A meta-analysis

AbstractLocal firms may attract productivity spillovers from foreign investors, yet these vary with local firms' awareness, capability...

[학술논문]When Customer Love Turns into Lasting Hate: The Effects of Relationship Strength and Time on Cus

This article explores the effects of time and relationship strength on the evolution of customer revenge and avoidance in online publi...

[학술논문]Monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance: when MGUS is no longer undetermined or insignifican

Antineoplastic Agents, Alkylating, adverse effects, therapeutic use, Disease Progression, Humans, Kidney Diseases, etiology, patholo...

[학술논문]When Prejudice Does Not Pay


[학술논문]When Intrusion Detection Meets Blockchain Technology: A Review

With the purpose of identifying cyber threats and possible incidents, intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are widely deployed in variou...

[학술논문]How and When Does Customer Orientation Influence Frontline Employee Job Outcomes? A Meta-Analyti

Previous research has conceptualized and modeled customer orientation (CO) in one of two ways: as a psychological phenomenon anteceden...

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