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[학술논문]체질량지수 23 kg/m2 미만 성인에서 근육부족량과 대사관련지방간질환과

Association between Muscle Mass Deficits and Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Fatty Liver Disease in Adults with Body Mass Index Less t...

[학술논문]건강위해행동의 지속과 가구구조의 연관성 : 20-65세 미만 1인가구를 중심

Associations between Persistent Unhealthy Behaviors and Household Type: a Descriptive Study Focusing on One-person Households Aged 20-u...

[학술논문]배우자 사별여성들의 경험: Q 방법론 적용 - 2년 미만의 사별여성을 중심

Experience in Widow’s Bereavement: Q Methodology - Widow Below 2 Years Bereavement - PURPOSE: The purposes of this study were to iden...

[학술논문]고환미만성대B세포임파류중OCT4단백적표체급기임상병리특정 (睾丸弥漫

[Clinicopathologic features and expression of OCT4 protein in testicular diffuse large B cell lymphoma]. 目的 分析睾丸弥漫性...

[학술논문]12세 미만 간헐성 외사시안의 수술 이후 시각훈련효과에 대한 임상연구

A study on the effect of vision therapy after surgery for intermittent exotropia under 12 years of age Exotropia, Lens, Prism, vision...

[학술논문]5세 미만의 폐기능 검사

Lung function tests in preschool children Measurement of lung function is an integral component of respiratory physiology and of clinic...

[학술논문]500병상 미만 병원 간호사의 직무스트레스 영향요인 : 간호근무환경 중심

Factors affecting job stress of nurses in hospitals with less than 500 beds: Focusing on nursing work environment 본 연구는 500병...

[학술논문]3개월 미만 요로감염 영아에서 중증 방광 요관 역류의 예측인자

Pred iction of High Grade Vesicoureteral Reflux in Infants Less than 3 Months with Urinary Tract Infection 목 적 : 최근 I, II 등...

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