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[학술논문]특집 2 : 간문부 담도암 수술 전 담도경 검사는 꼭 필요한가?

Is It Always Necessary Preoperative Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangioscopy for the Evaluation of Longitudinal Tumor Extension in Hila...

[학술논문]췌·담도암 진단에 있어서 내시경초음파의 역할

The roles of endoscopic ultrasound in the diagnosis of pancreatobiliary cancer Pancreatic cancer, the 4th leading cause of cancer-relat...

[학술논문]종설 : 담도암에서 18F-FDG PET의 임상 이용

Review : Clinical Application of 18F-FDG PET in Bile Duct Cancer bile duct cancer, F-18 FDG PET, staging, treatment response ...

[학술논문]기존 간세포암 치료 병변에서 발생한 육종양 담도암 1예: 증례보고 및 문

A Case of Sarcomatoid Cholangiocarcinoma Which Developed at the Site Previously Treated by Transarterial Chemoembolization Intrahepatic...

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