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[학술논문]Recommendation of occupational exposure limits (2023–2024)

Recommendation of occupational exposure limits (2023–2024)Recommendation of occupational exposure limits (2023–2024) The Japan Soci...

[학술논문]Die Entwicklung des Reiserechts der Luftbeförderung einschließlich der EU-Fluggastrechte-VO in

Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag führt die jährlichen Übersichten zum Reiserecht der Luftbeförderung fort und knüpft an den in MDR 202...

[학술논문]Foreword to the special virtual issue dedicated to the proceedings of the PhotonMEADOW2023 Joint

Foreword to the virtual issue papers from PhotonMEADOW2023 workshop. ...

[학술논문]Post‐event seismic damage assessment of 2023 M6.2 Gansu Jishishan earthquake based on RED‐AC

Abstract In December 2023, a 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck Jishishan, Gansu Province. This study utilized the Real‐time Earthquake...

[학술논문]A real-time forecasting and estimating system of West Nile virus: a case study of the 2023 WNV o

West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne arbovirus that remains a persistent public health challenge in the USA, with seasonal outbre...

[학술논문]Research Hotspots of Acupuncture Treatment for Myopia Over the Past Decade: A Bibliometric Analy

To explore the research hotspots in acupuncture treatment for myopia from 2014 to 2023. ...

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