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[학술논문]6-59개월 미만 자녀를 가진 보호자에게 홍보물 교육 유무에 따른 인플루

Survey on the Effects of Educational Intervention in Parents' Perceptions and Decisions Regarding Influenza Vaccination for Their Child...

[학술논문]300인 미만 사업장에서 방사선사 근무환경 실태조사

Research of the Working Conditions of Radiological Technologists in Workplaces with Less than 300 Employees The purpose of this study w...

[학술논문]300인 미만 사업장에서 방사선사 근무환경 실태조사

Research of the Working Conditions of Radiological Technologists in Workplaces with Less than 300 Employees The purpose of this study w...

[학술논문]단일기관 응급실에서 침습적 B군 사슬알균감염으로 진단된 90일 미만

Clinical characteristics of infants younger than 90 days diagnosed with invasive group B streptococcal infection in the emergency depar...

[학술논문]2톤 미만 연안복합어선의 환경소음 분석

Analysis of Environmental Noise of Coastal Composite Fishing Vessels of Less than 2-tons Environmental noise occurring on ships has var...

[학술논문]300인 미만 사업장에서 방사선사 근무환경 실태조사

Research of the Working Conditions of Radiological Technologists in Workplaces with Less than 300 Employees The purpose of this study w...

[학술논문]정상 만삭 분만된 3개월 미만 영아에서 발생한 수막염의 양상 변화: 2008

Early Infantile Meningitis Trends in Full-term Infants:A Korean Single-center Study, 2008?20 목적: 만삭으로 분만된 평소 건...

[학술논문]2세 미만 소아의 엎드린 자세에서 맥압 변이 및 파형변이지수 비교

Comparison of pulse pressure variation and pleth variability index in the prone position in pediatric patients under 2 years old. BACKG...

[학술논문]300인 미만 사업장근로자의 6개월 이내 재흡연 관련요인

Tobacco control, Smoking relapse, Smoking cessation service, Smoking cessation, Quit smoking, Medicine, Integrated information syste...

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