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[학술논문]수직형 펌프 자동진단을 위한 규칙기반 진단 기술 개발

Development of Rule-based Diagnosis for the Automatic Diagnosis of Vertical Pumps Recent trends in facility maintenance have focused on...

[학술논문]고혈압의 새로운 진단기준

New definition for hypertension Since the Joint National Committee advocated the definition of hypertension as over 140/90 mmHg in its ...

[학술논문]개인정보보호 수준진단 지표의 중요도에 대한 AHP 및 비모수 검정 연구

Study on AHP and Non-Parametric Verification on the Importance of the Diagnosis Indicators of Personal Information Security Level 본 ...

[학술논문]대학생 핵심역량진단평가(K-CESA) 중복응시자의 인식과 교육경험 : A대학

(The)Experience of Examinees Repeating K-CESA : A Case Study 역량은 대학의 교육성과를 확인할 수 있는 지표 중 하나...

[학술논문]중국폐부결절분류、진단여치료지남(2016년판) (中国肺部结节分类、诊

[China National Guideline of Classification, Diagnosis and Treatment for Lung Nodules (2016 Version)]. National guideline, Medicine, ...

[학술논문]박과 작물 종자전염 바이러스 3종(CGMMV, ZGMMV, KGMMV)의 간편한 동시진단 VC/R

Triplex Virion Capture (VC)/RT-PCR for Three Seed Transmissible Tobamoviruses of CGMMV, ZGMMV and KGMMV Occurring on Cucurbitaceae 박...

[학술논문]중풍의 변증 진단을 위한 판별모형

The discrimination model for the pattern identification diagnosis of the stroke The purpose of this study was to diagnosis that what pa...

[학술논문]대학생 핵심역량 진단도구 개발 및 타당화- D대학교 사례를 중심으로

Development and Validation of Core Competency Diagnostic Instrument for Undergraduate Students- Based on the Case of D University 연...

[학술논문]중도,중복장애학생을 위한 ICF-CY 기반 재활능력 진단검사 개발을 위한 기

A Study to Develop the ICF-CY based Diagnostic Inventory for Rehabilitation for Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities 연구...

[학술논문]기능성 소화불량증의 진단: 배제진단 vs. 절대진단

Diagnostic approach for dyspepsia: Exclusive diagnosis vs. Rome criteria Dyspepsia is a chronic recurrent pain or discomfort centered i...

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