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[기사]This Tool Pushes the Limits of Outdoor Cooking2023-05-15(월)

fun.” Weber, whose name is virtually synonymous with the charcoal kettle grill, now sells... Weber uses end-to-end burner tubes, which light with a whoosh of flame and an audible click. So what...

[기사]‘Daisy Jones & the Six’ and the Ballad of Making Rock ’n’ Roll TV2023-02-18(토)

Weber. One day in 2017, Neustadter’s representatives got a call from Brad Mendelsohn, Reid’s... partner Weber attached as creators. She ultimately sold the “Daisy Jones” manuscript to...

[기사]Why Some Hasidic Children Can’t Leave Failing Schools2022-12-12(월)

Beatrice Weber wakes up most mornings afraid that her son’s Hasidic Jewish school is setting... Weber said, Aaron’s teacher told him that the planets revolve around the Earth. But when Ms....

[기사]Review: ‘The Treasure of His Youth: The Photographs of Paolo Di Paolo’ ...2022-12-08(목)

A documentary by Bruce Weber about a nonagenarian Italian photographer is sprinkled with la... The American photographer and filmmaker Bruce Weber was inspired to direct “The Treasure of His...

[기사]Tony Awards Nominations 2023: The Complete List2023-05-02(화)

Jennifer Weber, “& Juliet” Jennifer Weber, “KPOP” Best Orchestrations John Clancy, “Kimberly Akimbo” Jason Howland, “Shucked” Charlie Rosen and Bryan Carter, “Some Like It...

[기사]A Versatile Director Brings Powerful Imagery to Wagner and Film2022-12-02(금)

Kata Weber, and its lead actress, Vanessa Kirby, who earned an Oscar nomination for her turn as... Before it was a film, “Pieces of a Woman” was a play written by Weber and first performed in...

[기사](LEAD) Yoon says S. Korea will play role as 'compass for freedom' with U....2023-04-28(금)

William Weber, who lost his right arm and leg in the Battle for Hill 324 in Wonju. Yoon asked a granddaughter of Weber to stand up from the audience and thanked her on behalf of the Korean...

[기사]부모 세대 아침밥이 대학생들의 힙한 과자로!… Z세대 사로잡은 '팝 타...2024-11-21(목)

제목: 최초의 먹을 수 있는 마스코트(THE FIRST EDIBLE MASCOT) 출품사: 웨버 샌드윅, 뉴욕(WEBER SHANDWICK, New York) 브랜드: 팝 타르츠(POP-TARTS) 제품·서비스: 팝 타르츠(POP-TARTS) 수상: 2024 칸 라이언즈 브랜드...

[기사]최철의 오페라 오디세이>민속적인 선율·독특한 화음…독일 오페라의 진...2024-11-21(목)

독일 낭만 오페라 선구자라 불리는 베버(Carl Maria von Weber, 1786~1826)는 당시 대중들이 가장 관심을 가지는 분야인 사냥을 주제로 독일어 오페라 를 작곡했으며 1821년 자신의 지휘로 이 작품이 베를린에서 초연되었는데 엄청난...

[기사]Nurturing Nature in Your Yard2023-04-22(토)

Jim Weber, Lynne M. Weber and Roland H. Wauer (Texas) More for Earth Day: 7 of our favorite reads Editors on the Times’s Climate Desk selected articles that we hope will inspire, surprise or...

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