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[학술논문]수술이 불가능한 담도암 환자에서 경피경간 담도경하 광역동치료 후 추

담도암, 광역동치료(PDT), 관강내 세경초음파검사(IDUS) ...

[학술논문]담도암 268예의 수술 성적과 예후 분석

Surgical Treatment and Prognosis for 268 Patients with Biliary Tract Cancers Purpose: Carcinomas of the biliary tract are considerably ...

[학술논문]마이크로바이옴과 담도암

Microbiome and Biliary Tract Cancer Biliary tract cancers encompass a group of malignancies that affect the bile ducts and gallbladder ...

[학술논문]마이크로바이옴과 담도암

Microbiome and Biliary Tract Cancer Biliary tract cancers encompass a group of malignancies that affect the bile ducts and gallbladder ...

[학술논문]담도암의 새로운 고식적 항암치료

Novel Palliative Chemotherapy for Cholangiocarcinoma Cholangiocarcinoma, Chemotherapy, Bile duct neoplasms ...

[학술논문]진행성 담도암과 췌장암에서 혈전색전증의 임상적 예후인자로서의 의의

Thromboembolic Events as Prognostic Clinical Markers in Advanced Pancreatic and Biliary Tract Cancer 목적: 혈전색전증은 진행...

[학술논문]췌장암 및 담도암에서 담즙정체 해소전후의 혈청 CA 19-9치의 변화

The Significaned of Serum CA 19-9 Level Change after Biliary Drainge Procedures in Pancreatic and Biliary Tract Cancer 종양, , ...

[학술논문]전이된 담도암 환자의 패혈증을 한다열소탕 및 우담과 항생제를 병행하

A Case Study of Metastatic Cholangiocarcinoma with Sepsis who Showed Symptomatic Improvement after Treated with Handayeolso-tang, Fel T...

[학술논문]담도암의 진단과 치료의 최신 지견

Diagnosis and Management of Biliary Tract Cancer Biliary tract neoplasms, Cholangiocarcinoma, Chemotherapy ...

[학술논문]담도암의 뇌수막 전이 1예

A Case of Cholangiocarcinoma with Brain and Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis 증례의 환자는 담도암 진단 뒤 근치적 치료를 ...

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