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[학술논문]전이성대장암환자에서 체외 항암약물 감수성 검사와 일차항암화학요법

Clinical correlation between in vitro chemoresponse assay and first line chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer patients Purpose...

[학술논문]진행성 및 전이성 대장암에서의 전신 항암 치료

Systemic Therapy for Advanced and Metastatic Colon Cancer Colon cancer, Advanced cancer, Metastatic cancer, Systemic therapy ...

[학술논문]전이성 대장암의 새로운 표적치료

New Molecular Targeted Therapy of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Over the past decade, substantial advances have been made in the individ...

[학술논문]고식적 항암화학요법 후에 Capecitabine 단독치료에 반응을 보인 전이성

Response to Capecitabine Treatment Following Palliative Chemotherapy for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: A Case Report Approximately 40% ...

[학술논문]전이성 대장암 표적치료제에 관한 최근 연구 동향

Recent Trends of Research about Molecularly Targeted Therapeutic Drugs in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer During the last decade we have w...

[학술논문]진행성 및 전이성 대장암에서의 전신 항암 치료

Target therapy, Systemic therapy, Oncology, Novel agents, Metastasis, Medicine, Internal medicine, Immunotherapy, Economic cooperati...

[학술논문]전이성 대장암환자의 5-FU 기반 항암요법 대비 Bevacizumab 병행 치료 시의

A Comparison of the Frequency of Adverse Events during Parallel Treatment of Bevacizumab with 5-FU Based Chemotherapy for Metastatic Co...

[학술논문]전이성 대장암 환자의 원발 종양 위치에 따른 고식적 절제술의 장기 생

Tumor location, Proportional hazards model, Prognostic factor, Primary tumor, Overall survival, Oncology, Medicine, Medical record, ...

[학술논문]전이성대장암면역치료적현상 (转移性大肠癌免疫治疗的现状)

Current Status of Immunotherapy for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer 结直肠癌(CRC)是全世界常见恶性肿瘤之一,也是癌症患...

[학술논문]전이성 대장암에서 FOLFOX4 항암 화학요법 시행 중 발생한 간질성 폐질환 1

Drug induced interstitial pneumonitis during FOLFOX4 chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer FOLFOX4 요법은 진행성 대장...

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