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[학술논문]5G-Enabled Cooperative Intelligent Vehicular (5GenCIV) Framework: When Benz Meets Marconi

As one of the most popular social media platforms today, Twitter provides people with an effective way to communicate and interact wit...

[학술논문]Who, when, why and to what end? Students at risk of negative student–teacher relationships and

•No review to date considers the influence of negative student–teacher relationships.•Negative relationships impact student beha...

[학술논문]When Are Randomised Trials Unnecessary? Picking Signal from Noise

Although randomised trials are widely accepted as the ideal way of obtaining unbiased estimates of treatment effects, some treatments ...

[학술논문]Limits to evolution at range margins: when and why does adaptation fail?

What stops populations expanding into new territory beyond the edge of a range margin? Recent models addressing this problem have brou...

[학술논문]What Are Species Pools and When Are They Important?

Umbrella species, Species richness, Spatial ecology, Propagule, Phylogenetics, Phylogenetic tree, Insular biogeography, Geographic a...

[학술논문]When nonlocal coupling between oscillators becomes stronger: patched synchrony or multichimera s

Systems of nonlocally coupled oscillators can exhibit complex spatio-temporal patterns, called chimera states, which consist of coexis...

[학술논문]Where-and-When to Look: Deep Siamese Attention Networks for Video-Based Person Re-Identification

Video-based person re-identification (re-id) is a central application in surveillance systems with a significant concern in security. ...

[학술논문]Microbiological Diagnostic Performance of Metagenomic Next-generation Sequencing When Applied to

Background Metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) was suggested to potentially replace traditional microbiological methodology ...

[학술논문]What Happens When Evaluation Goes Online? Exploring Apparatuses of Valuation in the Travel Secto

Our research focuses on the fast-changing landscape of contemporary social media where user-generated content is increasingly being us...

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