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[학술논문]When Differences Unite: Resource Dependence in Heterogeneous Consumption Communities

Although heterogeneity in consumption communities is pervasive, there is little understanding of its impact on communities. This study...

[학술논문]Text Preprocessing for Unsupervised Learning: Why It Matters, When It Misleads, and What to Do a

Unsupervised learning, Statistics, Software, Pretext, Preprocessor, Machine learning, Inference, Feature selection, Descriptive stat...

[학술논문]When small words foretell academic success: the case of college admissions essays.

The smallest and most commonly used words in English are pronouns, articles, and other function words. Almost invisible to the reader ...

[학술논문]When Does "Economic Man" Dominate Social Behavior?

The canonical model in economics considers people to be rational and self-regarding. However, much evidence challenges this view, rais...

[학술논문]When Choice Motivates and When It Does Not

AbstractThis article addresses the controversy regarding the value of offering choices as a teaching practice. Inconsistent of results...

[학술논문]When art meets tech: The role of augmented reality in enhancing museum experiences and purchase

AbstractAs augmented reality (AR) has been increasingly adopted by various industries as a marketing tool, tourism practitioners have ...

[학술논문]Synergy and antagonism in natural product extracts: when 1 + 1 does not equal 2.

Covering: 2000 to 2019 According to a 2012 survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 18% of the U.S. p...

[학술논문]When and How Do Domestic Constraints Matter?

Recent studies of uncertainty in international relations treat nation-states as unitary actors, but it may be more realistic to suppos...

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