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[학술논문]담도암에 대한 비소의 항암효과 : 체외 및 체내 이종이식 백서 모델을 이

Anticancer effect of arsenic trioxide on cholangiocarcinoma : in vitro experiments and in vivo xenograft mouse model 비소가 급성 ...

[학술논문]간내 담석과 동반된 간내 담도암에서의 p53과 Ki-ras의 발현

Ki-ras Mutation and p53 Protein Expression in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinomas Arising in Hepatolithiasis간내 담석과 동반된 간...

[학술논문]간외 담도암 32예에 대한 임상적 고찰 (肝外 膽道癌 32例에 對한 臨床的

A Clinical Study of 32 Cases of Extrahepatic Biliary Tract Cancer The primary carcinoma of the extrahepatic bile duct Os an infrequent ...

[학술논문]근위부 담도암의 임상적 고찰

Clinical Study on Proximal Cholangiocarcinoma Background/Aims: Carcinoma of the proximal bile ducts is a rare condition that occurs mor...

[학술논문]Ursodeoxycholic Acid는 담도암세포에서 활성산소의 생성을 방해하여 상피-중

Ursodeoxycholic Acid Suppresses Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition via Inhibition of Reactive Oxygen Species in Bile Duct Cancer Cells ...

[학술논문]Ursodeoxycholic Acid는 담도암세포에서 활성산소의 생성을 방해하여 상피-중

Ursodeoxycholic Acid Suppresses Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition via Inhibition of Reactive Oxygen Species in Bile Duct Cancer Cells ...

[학술논문]Ursodeoxycholic Acid는 담도암세포에서 활성산소의 생성을 방해하여 상피-중

Ursodeoxycholic Acid Suppresses Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition via Inhibition of Reactive Oxygen Species in Bile Duct Cancer Cells ...

[학술논문]췌장전이를 동반한 담도암환자 1례에 대한 보고

A case of cholangiocarcinoma patient with pancreas metastasis 췌장전이, 담도암, 항암단, 한방치료, Cholangiocarcinoma, m...

[학술논문]항암화학요법을 받는 췌장담도암 환자의 삶의 질 영향요인

Factors Influencing the Quality of Life in Pancreatobiliary Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy Purpose: The study aim was to invest...

[학술논문]항암화학요법을 받는 췌장담도암 환자의 삶의 질 영향요인

Factors Influencing the Quality of Life in Pancreatobiliary Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy Purpose: The study aim was to invest...

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