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[기사]Texas Governor Pardons Man in Fatal Shooting of Protester in 20202024-05-17(금)

the case, lawyers with the Travis County district attorney, José Garza, met with the board to... The case landed at the intersection of some of the most contentious issues facing the nation...

[기사]Trump’s Lawyer and Cohen Match Wits in Crucial Cross-Examination2024-05-17(금)

prosecution’s case. Mr. Cohen, a self-described former “thug” for Mr. Trump who oscillates... Cohen’s conduct — and truthfulness — is at the case’s heart. He made the $130,000...

[기사]Is There a Constitutional Right to Talk About Abortion?2024-05-17(금)

Creative case last year, the court gave a Christian web designer the First Amendment right not... While there is not yet such a case on the Supreme Court’s docket, lower courts have been...

[기사]Robert Menendez’s Corruption Trial Opens: 5 Takeaways2024-05-16(목)

So laying out a road map for their case, they offered the panel a far simpler view: “This case is about a public official who put greed first,” said Lara Pomerantz, an assistant U.S....

[기사]Israel Defends Rafah Operation as ‘Limited and Localized’ at U.N. Cour...2024-05-17(금)

The hearings are part of South Africa’s case accusing Israel of committing genocide against... main case over whether genocide is being committed until next year. Last week, South Africa asked...

[기사]두 돌 아이가 1분 사이 사라졌다… 43년의 기다림 "살아만 있어다오"2024-05-18(토)

편집자주‘콜드케이스(cold case)’는 오랜 시간 미해결 상태로 남아 있는 범죄사건을 뜻하는 말로, 동명의 미국 드라마로도 잘 알려져 있습니다. <한국일보>는 격주 금요일 세계 각국의 미제사건과 진실을 쫓는 사람들의...

[기사]호남대 스포츠레저학과 'CASE STUDY 전문가특강' 개최2024-05-16(목)

중심으로 'CASE STUDY 전문가 특강'을 실시했다고 16일 밝혔다. 정승호대표는 이번 특강에서 근력트레이닝... 중심으로 'CASE STUDY 전문가 특강'을 실시했다./사진=호남대 제공 ▲교육전문신문 베리타스알파 [베리타스알파=]

[기사]Top headlines in major S. Korean newspapers2024-05-14(화)

gift case replaced (Kookmin Daily) -- Team of prosecutors in charge of probe into first lady's luxury gift case replaced (Donga Ilbo) -- Presidential office vows to strongly respond in case of...

[기사]‘A Calculating Killer or a Damsel in Distress?’: The Trial Transfixing...2024-05-15(수)

Read was arrested three days later, and the case has transfixed Boston ever since. Ms. Read, 44... Public fascination with the case has been fueled by an unusual confluence of factors: the...

[기사]Cohen Tells Jurors of Oval Office Deal to Pay Back the Hush Money2024-05-15(수)

his case. Mr. Trump has denied the allegations and the sex, and his legal team soon sought to... “Do you want President Trump to get convicted in this case?” Mr. Blanche asked. “Sure...

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