[학술논문]갑상선암 환자의 방사성요오드 치료경험
The Experience of Receiving Radioactive Iodine Therapy among Thyroid Cancer Patients 본 연구의 목적은 갑상선암 환자들의 ...
[학술논문]갑상선암 임파선 전이와 암보험금 지급에 관한 주요 쟁점 분석 – 금융
An Analysis of Major Issues Associated with Lymph Node Metastasis in Thyroid Cancer and Cancer Insurance Coverage- A Study on Mediation...
[학술논문]경임파결성상도대갑상선암전이적감별 (颈淋巴结声像图对甲状腺癌转移
Traditional medicine, Medicine ...
[학술논문]2013년중국갑상선암발병여사망정황 (2013年中国甲状腺癌发病与死亡情况)
Analysis of Incidence and Mortality of Thyroid Cancer in China, 2013 目的 估计2013年中国甲状腺癌的发病与死亡情况.方...
[학술논문]유두 미세 갑상선암: 임상병리적 특성과 치료전략
Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma: Clinicopathologic Characteristics and Treatment Strategy PURPOSE: The clinical importance of papillar...
[학술논문]최근의 “갑상선암 과잉진단 및 과잉진료” 논란에 대한 소고(小考)
A Refutation against Unfounded Reports on Thyroid Cancer The incidence of thyroid cancer has been increasing in Korea as well as in man...
[학술논문]원전주변 갑상선암 발병 피해 소송 사건 이후 원자력에 대한 지역주민
Local Residents’ Perception Analysis of Nuclear Power after the Thyroid Cancer Damage Lawsuit Adjacent to the Nuclear Plant 본 연...
[학술논문]성인갑상선결절여분화형갑상선암진치지남(2015년미국갑상선협회)해독 (
[The interpretation of 2015 American Thyroid Association management guidelines for adult patients with thyroid nodules and differentiat...
[학술논문]교본씨병병발갑상선암 (桥本氏病并发甲状腺癌)
[학술논문]분화 갑상선암에서 측경부 림프절 절제술의 범위
Lateral Neck Node Dissection in Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma Cervical lymph node metastasis is common in patients with differentiat...