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[학술논문]Empirical Tests of the Pollution Haven Hypothesis When Environmental Regulation is Endogenous

Summary The pollution haven hypothesis (PHH) posits that production within polluting industries will shift to locations with lax envir...

[학술논문]When parties matter: A review of the possibilities and limits of partisan influence on public po

Abstract This essay explores the possibilities and limits of partisan influence on public policy in democratic nations. It will be poi...

[학술논문]Note to Educators: Hope Required when Growing Roses in Concrete

In this essay, Jeff Duncan-Andrade explores the concept of hope, which was central to the Obama campaign, as essential for nurturing u...

[학술논문]When Brokers May Not Work: The Cultural Contingency of Social Capital in Chinese High-Tech Firms

In this paper, we bring structural holes theory to different cultural contexts by studying the effect of structural holes in four high...

[학술논문]In Praise of Clark Kent: Creative Metacognition and the Importance of Teaching Kids When (Not) t

Despite creativity's many benefits and positive outcomes, there are still both explicit and implicit teacher biases against creative s...

[학술논문]Psychological factors influencing customers’ acceptance of smartphone diet apps when ordering

•Examines the adoption of smartphone diet applications by restaurant customers.•Uses the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of T...

[학술논문]When the Brain Loses Its Self: Prefrontal Inactivation during Sensorimotor Processing

A common theme in theories of subjective awareness poses a self-related "observer" function, or a homunculus, as a critical element wi...

[학술논문]When the World’s Population Took Off: The Springboard of the Neolithic Demographic Transition

During the economic transition from foraging to farming, the signal of a major demographic shift can be observed in cemetery data of w...

[학술논문]Competition when Consumers have Switching Costs: An Overview with Applications to Industrial Org

We survey recent work on competition in markets in which consumers have costs of switching between competing firms' products. In a mar...

[학술논문]When can odds ratios mislead? Odds ratios should be used only in case-control studies and logist

Relative risk reduction, Relative risk, Odds ratio, Odds, Medicine, Logistic regression, Diagnostic odds ratio, Demography, Data min...

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