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[학술논문]갑상선암과 방사선

Thyroid Cancer and Radiation Epidemiological studies have reported an increasing incidence of thyroid cancer worldwide. This phenomenon...

[학술논문]유두상 갑상선암 환자의 갑상선절제술 후 합병증에 대한 임상경과 보고

A Clinical Study on 3 Cases of Complications after Total Thyroidectomy and Neck Dissection in the Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma 본 논...

[학술논문]갑상선암 수술 후 유미액 누출의 관리

Management of Chyle Leakage after Thyroid Cancer Surgery Chyle, Thyroid cancer, Postoperative complications ...

[학술논문]분화 갑상선암에서 측경부 림프절 절제술의 범위

Lateral Neck Node Dissection in Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma Cervical lymph node metastasis is common in patients with differentiat...

[학술논문]1313예갑상선암환자갑상선공능급기자신항체변화 (1313例甲状腺癌患者甲

Medicine, Internal medicine, Endocrinology ...

[학술논문]갑상선암 수술 중 발생할 수 있는 드문 신경학적 합병증

Rare Neurological Complications in Thyroid Cancer Surgery Thyroid cancer, Lymph node metastasis, Neck dissection, Complications ...

[학술논문]갑상선암 수술 후 유미액 누출의 관리

Management of Chyle Leakage after Thyroid Cancer Surgery Chyle leakage is a rare but challenging complication that can occur after surg...

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