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[학술논문]Reactance to Recommendations: When Unsolicited Advice Yields Contrary Responses

Recommendations often play a positive role in the decision process by reducing the difficulty associated with choosing between options...

[학술논문]When do stereotypes come to mind and when do they color judgment? A goal-based theoretical frame

The authors describe a theoretical framework for understanding when people interacting with a member of a stereotyped group activate t...

[학술논문]Genetic Equilibrium When More Than One Ecological Niche is Available

Niche segregation, Genetic equilibrium, Environmental niche modelling, Ecology, Ecological niche, Ecological network, Biology ...

[학술논문]Identifying lineage effects when controlling for population structure improves power in bacteria

Bacteria pose unique challenges for genome-wide association studies because of strong structuring into distinct strains and substantia...

[학술논문]Embryonic stem cells proliferate and differentiate when seeded into kidney scaffolds.

The scarcity of transplant allografts for diseased organs has prompted efforts at tissue regeneration using seeded scaffolds, an appro...

[학술논문]One Size Doesn't Fit All: Using Factor Analysis to Gather Validity Evidence When Using Surveys i

Across all sciences, the quality of measurements is important. Survey measurements are only appropriate for use when researchers have ...

[학술논문]Lacking Information or Condoning Corruption: When Do Voters Support Corrupt Politicians?

Survey experiment, Public good, Public economics, Population, Political science, Political economy, Political corruption, Nationwide...

[학술논문]Accounting for Endogeneity When Assessing Strategy Performance: Does Entry Mode Choice Affect FD

Firms choose strategies based on their attributes and industry conditions; therefore, strategy choice is endogenous and self-selected....

[학술논문]Climate Change and Wildlife Diseases: When Does the Host Matter the Most?

Animal Diseases, epidemiology, Animals, Animals, Wild, Demography, Greenhouse Effect, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Time Factors, Yell...

[학술논문]Principles and Principals: Do Customer Stewardship and Agency Control Compete or Complement When

This article introduces customer stewardship control (CSC) to the marketing field. This concept represents a frontline employee's felt...

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