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[학술논문]분화갑상선암의 수술 후 국소재발 및 전이에 대한 FDG PET/CT와 초음파의

Comparison of the Use of FDG PET/CT and Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Recurrent or Metastatic Disease after Treatment for Differ...

[학술논문]저용량 방사성 요오드 치료를 받은 갑상선암 환자에서 예후인자의 고찰

예후인자, 갑상선암, 저용량, 방사성, 요오드치료, 저용량방사성요오드치료, 갑상선암환자 ...

[학술논문]갑상선암 환자에서 관찰된 뇌수막종의 위양성 옥소 섭취

False-positive I-131 Uptake in Meningioma We experienced a case with meningioma showing false positive I-131 uptake. A 55-years old fem...

[학술논문]갑상선암 (甲状腺癌)

 長きにわたり放射性ヨウ素 (radioactive iodine: RAI) 不応甲状腺癌に対する有効な薬物は皆無に近い状...

[학술논문]유두 갑상선암: 주병변 반대측 경정맥 주위 림프절 수술적 제거 및 결과,

Papillary Thyroid Cancer: Clonocopathologic Cha-racteristics and Factors of Contralateral Jugular Lymph Node Metastasis after Lymph Nod...

[학술논문]국소 진행성 갑상선암의 치료

Treatment of Locally Advanced Thyroid Cancer Thyroid cancer is an indolent condition that usually presents as a limited disease in the ...

[학술논문]갑상선암합병성문하암침범경단기관행체외순환창구일례 (甲状腺癌合并

[Rescue of a thyroid cancer patient with subglottic carcinoma and infringement of cervical trachea under extracorporeal circulation: a ...

[학술논문]갑상선암에서 후두반회신경절제 후 신경재건에 대한 검토

Surgery, Recurrent laryngeal nerve, Phonation, Papillary thyroid cancer, Medicine, Fixation (histology), Cord, Cancer, Anastomosis g...

[학술논문]미분화 갑상선 암에 대한 임상적 고찰

Clinical Analysis of Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma 미분화갑상선암, Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma ...

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