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[학술논문]췌장 및 담도암 환자의 항암 시작, 반응 평가 및 항암 중단 시점

Chemotherapy: Knowing When to Start, Evaluate for Response, and Stop Chemotherapy is essential treatment in pancreatobiliary cancer pat...

[학술논문]췌장 및 담도암 환자의 항암 시작, 반응 평가 및 항암 중단 시점

Chemotherapy: Knowing When to Start, Evaluate for Response, and Stop Chemotherapy is essential treatment in pancreatobiliary cancer pat...

[학술논문]전이성 췌장암 환자에서 병발한 급성 담낭염의 내시경 경유두 담낭 내

Endoscopic Transpapillary Gallbladder Stenting for Acute Cholecystitis in a Patient with Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer Percutaneous tran...

[학술논문]증례 : 남성에서 발생한 췌장점액낭샘암종의 자발파열 1예

Case Reports : Spontaneous Rupture of Pancreatic Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature 췌장의 점액...

[학술논문]수술 후 재발한 췌장암에서 종양절제술과 정위적 체부 방사선치료로 장

Long-term Survival of Recurrent Pancreatic Cancer Treated with Tumorectomy and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy A 70-year-old female...

[학술논문]국소 진행성 췌장암에서의 내시경적 국소 치료

Local Endoscopic Treatment of Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is one of the cancers with the poorest progn...

[학술논문]국소 진행성 췌장암에서의 내시경적 국소 치료

Local Endoscopic Treatment of Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is one of the cancers with the poorest progn...

[학술논문]Methyl Jasmonate의 췌장암 세포주에서의 세포사멸 유도와 세포주기 억제

Mechanism of Methyl Jasmonate in Pancreatic Cancer to Induce Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest 배경 및 목적: Methyl Jasmonate는 식...

[학술논문]췌장 고형성 가성유두상 종양의 임상적 특징과 수술적 치료

Clincal Features and Surgical Treatment of Solid Pseudopapillary Tumor of Pancreas PURPOSE: A solid pseudopapillary tumor (SPT) is a ra...

[학술논문]좌측 신장 무형성과 척추기형을 동반한 선천적 배측 췌장 발육 부전증 1

A Case of Complete Agenesis of the Dorsal Pancreas with Left Renal Agenesis and Absence of the Left Vertebral Pedicle in T12 7년 전...

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