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[학술논문]갑상선암 세포의 성장 조절에서 Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma의

Role of Pexoxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma in Growth Regulation of Thyroid Cancer Cells Prostaglandins, Thiazolidinedio...

[학술논문]갑상선암 환자에서 측경부 림프절 전이여부 진단에 세침흡인세포검사가

In Thyroid Cancer Patients, Is Preoperative FNAB-C Reliable for Prediction of Lateral Cervical LN Metastasis? Purpose: The goal of this...

[학술논문]암검진 근거평가 및 갑상선암 검진 권고안

Assessment of Grounds for Cancer Screening and Recommendations for Thyroid Cancer Screening ...

[학술논문]암검진 근거평가 및 갑상선암 검진 권고안

Assessment of Grounds for Cancer Screening and Recommendations for Thyroid Cancer Screening ...

[학술논문]갑상선암에 의한 림프절 전이의 CT 진단

Lymph Node Metastases in Thyroid Carcinomas : CT Diagnosis Lymphatic system, CT, Thyroid, neoplasms ...

[학술논문]갑상선암에 대한 집단검진의 평가

Evaluation of MRss Screening for Thyroid Cancer 갑상선암, 집단검진, 갑상선초음파, Thyroid cancer, Mass screening, Early...

[학술논문]암검진 근거평가 및 갑상선암 검진 권고안

Assessment of Grounds for Cancer Screening and Recommendations for Thyroid Cancer Screening ...

[학술논문]암검진 근거평가 및 갑상선암 검진 권고안

Assessment of Grounds for Cancer Screening and Recommendations for Thyroid Cancer Screening ...

[학술논문]갑상선암발생발전급예후적상관영향인소 (甲状腺癌发生发展及预后的相

Related factors of occurrence, development and prognosis of thyroid cancer 甲状腺癌是头颈部及内分泌系统中最常见的恶...

[학술논문]분화성 갑상선 암에 대한 방사성 옥소 치료시 치료스캔의 유용성과 치료

갑상선, , 방사성, 옥소, 치료스캔 ...

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